Academic Rank: Professor of Physics and Physics Education
Position: Director of the ACEITLMS
Telephone: +250788590715
College: College of Education
Dr Lakhan Lal Yadav is a Professor of Physics and Physics Education at the Department of Mathematics, Science and Physical Education, School of Education, University of Rwanda- College of Education (UR-CE). Currently, he is Director of African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS) at UR-CE. Previously, he had been Head of Department of Physics and Ag. Vice Dean, Faculty of Science at former Kigali Institute of Education, and Ag. Director of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies at UR-CE. He has published more than 40 research papers in the fields of Plasma Physics, Laser Acoustics and Physics Education. He is the author/co-author of several modules for Distance Training Program of UR-CE. He has supervised/supervising 7 PhD students, 8 Masters students, and more than 30 undergraduate students. He has been involved in writing successful grant proposals. He has also presented more than 30 papers in International and National Conferences. The fields of his current interest are nonlinear phenomena (solitons, double layers and nonlinear periodic waves) in complex plasmas and discipline-based physics education research (PER).
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