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Brief Profile of Dr Leon Mugabo

Dr. Leon Rugema Mugabo
Academic Rank: Senior Lecturer
Position : Head of Teaching and Learning
Email :
Tel : 0788522916

Dr. Mugabo Rugema Leon (PhD) is an experienced science teacher and science teacher educator. He holds a PhD in the field of Science Education and a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PGCTHE).

Today he is a Lecturer in the Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education, School of Education at UR-CE. He is also Head of Teaching and Learning in the Africa Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS). He has attended several workshops and trainings and has acquired relevant experience in Curriculum Development and Training of Trainers. His area of research is Science Teaching and Learning and Science Teachers’ Professional Development where he has published in reputed journals.

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