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Workshop for Examination of 12 Master of Education theses for Cohort 2 and Cohort 3 Rukara Campus and Cohort 1 Remera Campus students

For the implementation of its mission of strengthening human capacity to deliver research-based quality teaching and learning of mathematics and science by offering postgraduate programs that produce graduates at international standards and regional relevance, the African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS) runs four Masters programmes, namely Master of Education in Biology Education, Master of Education in Chemistry Education, Master of Education in Mathematics Education and Master of Education in Physics Education. The MEd programmes are made of one year course work and a second year for research after which MEd students must produce a research thesis in respective areas/subjects of research. In order to meet the ACEITLMS requirements and mission to achieve research excellence, Masters theses are subject to external examination that has to be carried out by qualified academic staff and researchers outside the University of Rwanda.

In this regard, the Centre organized a three-day workshop for examination of 12 MEd theses (3 students of MEd Cohort two, 7 students of MEd Cohort 3 Rukara Campus and 2 students of MEd Cohort 1 Remera Campus) from 17th to 19th May 2023 at UR- CE Rukara Campus. During this period, external examiners, who were selected based on their qualifications and expertise, as well as internal examiners participated in Viva-voce as members of the committee for oral examination and produced comprehensive examination reports with marks allocation to each thesis.

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