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Welcoming and Networking Event for the New ACEITLMS PhD Cohort 5 Students

On 27th April 2023 ACEITLMS organized a welcoming and networking event for its 5th intake of PhD students of the academic year 2022-2023. The main objective of the event was to bring together new enrolled PhD students with appointed Supervisors. During the gathering, newly enrolled students came to know all staff involved in running the PhD programmes including UR-CE top management, ACEITLMS management and their supervisors. Specifically, the event was an opportunity for students to have contact with their supervisors and freely interact towards working together.

The orientation kickstarted with a welcome by the Principal of University of Rwanda- College of Education, who asked them:

• To begin thinking about where they want to be at the end of their individual PhD journey, and • To consider what credentials they would need for their desired careers.

He reminded them that the mastery of the pedagogical knowledge is not enough to find possible solutions to the problems in education sector and encouraged them to take full advantage of the complete PhD portfolio of academic writing, research methodology and data analysis, teaching, seminar presentations, and career preparation training programmes available at the University of Rwanda.

During the event, the Head of Research unit at the ACEITLMS, shared with the newly PhD students what milestones a PhD student go through at the University of Rwanda and what is expected from them to complete their PhD programmes. The Director, UR Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Dr Noella Josiane Umuhoza Karemera, discussed about the UR research policy and PhD regulations. The main aim of the welcoming and networking event was to warmly welcome the newly enrolled PhD students and help them get into contact with their supervisors and understand the functions of different UR-CE units, milestones of PhD journey and related regulations so that they embark on their research and get informed about the numerous support offerings at the university.

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