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To provide a robust system of professional support that can quickly address job-related challenges and enhance commitment to teaching in Rwanda and in Region, the African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS)  is running  the Continuous Professional Development Certificate in Innovative Teaching Mathematics and Science  (CPD-ITMS) programme for Rwandan and Regional primary and secondary school teachers teaching Mathematics and Science. The CPD-ITMS  content is made of two following modules:

CMS1141: Innovative Teaching Methods for Mathematics and Science; and

CMS1142: E-Learning and ICT integration in Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science.

The modules focused mainly on following areas:

  1. Innovative teaching methods for mathematics and Science
  2. Content-Selected topics/concepts by subject area
  3. Laboratory experiments by subject area
  4. ICT and e-resources

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